
5 myter om træning under din graviditet

5 myths about exercising during your pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, you are born with a lot of advice, guidance, and admonitions....
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Graviditet og halsbrand: 5 Gode råd

Pregnancy and heartburn: 5 Good tips

Heartburn Are you pregnant and suffering from heartburn? Fortunately, there are good tips to be...
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Barselsregler - Hvad du bør vide om reglerne for barsel

Maternity rules - What you should know about the rules for maternity leave

Note that this article is from 2020, and rules and conditions may have changed. It...
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Snottet under graviditeten?

Snotty during pregnancy?

One of the side effects of being pregnant that is rarely mentioned is that many...
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Må jeg drikke alkohol, mens jeg er gravid?

Can I drink alcohol while I am pregnant?

Many pregnant women are unsure whether it is okay to have a drink or two...
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Pas på dig selv under graviditeten

Take care of yourself during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things in life. The arrival of a new...
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Når du og din partner har fået barn

When you and your partner have a child

A child is a gift. But when you have a child, life, and especially the...
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At være gravid og dyrke motion - sådan gør du begge dele uden at skade din baby

Being pregnant and exercising - here's how to do both without harming your baby

Exercising can be extremely hard on the body, which is why many pregnant women refrain...
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Undgå eller minimer denne kost, når du er gravid

Avoid or minimize this diet when you are pregnant

Although women are encouraged to continue life as normal when they are pregnant, there are...
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Cravings: Forstå de mærkelige madvaner som gravid

Cravings: Understand the strange eating habits during pregnancy

Pregnant women sometimes experience intense cravings for food. Some cravings are just impossible to control....
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8 gode kostråd – lav en skræddersyet kost til din graviditet

8 good dietary tips – create a customized diet for your pregnancy

When or if you decide to customize your own diet during pregnancy, it is undoubtedly...
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Gode graviditetsråd: Slip for kvalme og opkastning

Good pregnancy tips: Get rid of nausea and vomiting

Do you suffer from hyperemesis, vomiting, or nausea? We have compiled a list of tips...
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