In 2002, Karin Frost got an idea. She had tried different carriers for her son, but none of them had the comfort and ergonomics she was looking for. With a background in design, Karin set out to design a carrier that was both comfortable, ergonomic and easy to use. Selenium became a success, so Karin founded Ergobaby and made it his way of life, designing baby equipment of a special class. The vision of Ergobaby is to create a density between child and parents so that the child can feel safe. This vision, combined with a formidable design, has helped make Ergobaby leaders in the market.

Ergobaby at Mammashop
Sometimes we talk about the fourth trimester, which is the first three months after the baby is born. Here, it is recommended that the baby has as much physical contact with the mother as possible, so that, in a safe environment, it can get used to a whole new world. At Mammashop, we have chosen to carry Ergobaby's products because we share their vision and also believe that the child's development stems from security. Furthermore, we believe it is important for our customers to find the best products for them and their children.
Ergobaby baby carriers
At Ergobaby, the baby carrier is considered the second womb, therefore the child's needs are always the first priority. However, it is not only the child that has been taken into account in the design of the carriers; it is also very much for the parents. For a baby carrier to fulfill its function, it must first and foremost be ergonomic and comfortable to wear. When the baby is sitting in the carrier and can feel mom's – or dad's – body warmth and pulse, it feels secure. At the same time, mom or dad still has their hands free to do all sorts of other things. The carriers all have:
- Optimal support for your child.
- Ergonomically adjustable straps for both shoulders and hips.
- Optimal weight distribution between shoulders and hips.
Ergobaby swaddles
Research shows that a swaddle can help reduce symptoms of colic and the startle reflex. The startle reflex occurs when the baby is just about to fall asleep and is completely natural. However, the reflex often has a tendency to wake the baby, and this is where the swaddle comes into play. The swaddle has small arm pockets that help the baby keep its hands close to its heart, just like when it was inside the womb. Additionally, the swaddle has an ergonomic design that allows the baby to move its hips and legs naturally. This contributes to giving your child a calmer sleep.
Ergobaby baby carriers and swaddles are designed with both the child and the parents in mind. The carriers are ergonomically adjustable and provide optimal support and weight distribution, while the swaddle can help reduce symptoms of colic and the startle reflex. Both the carriers and the swaddle contribute to giving the child security and calmness while providing parents the freedom to do other things. At Mammashop, we believe that a child's development stems from security, which is why we carry Ergobaby's products, to provide our customers with the best products for them and their children.