
Mammashop aims to be Denmark's best webshop for accessories for mothers and children. We seek to shape our universe based on our three core values: Sustainability, safety, and humanity. These three values are the foundation for how we act in relation to our assortment, communication, and not least in our customer service.

Below you can read more about what these three values mean to us - and what they will ultimately mean for you as a customer at


We believe that sustainable products are the future and that we have an obligation to ensure that the world we leave to our children is a world worth living in. Fortunately, there are many producers who agree, which means that more and more products are achieving certifications aimed at creating a safer and more sustainable present and future.

We also believe that this can be done without becoming 'too foot-shaped' or boring - and in our selection of products for our assortment, we are very focused on choosing the products that are the most sustainable.


As a parent, your child's safety is one of the most important things. We believe that safety is paramount - especially when dealing with products for pregnant women, children, and babies. Here, we are not only talking about safety products for the home (where we also have a really good selection), but also safety and trust in all our products.

We thoroughly examine our products for small parts that could fall off, whether the materials are dangerous to put in the mouth, and whether they are produced in a reasonable manner. If we find a weakness in a product, we discuss with our suppliers the possibilities for improving the product, so that we can all learn something. If it is not possible to improve the product, we exclude it from our assortment because we want to be your filter against products that are not safe to use in everyday life.

In this way, we at work towards becoming an online store where you can always trust that the products are safe to use in everyday life - because we know that you have many other things you can spend your time on.


If the world we live in and the society we are surrounded by are to be worth living in, it requires that we all contribute with social engagement. We believe this at as well, and we are not only here for commercial reasons - but also because we as a company can do more to help in various ways.

Here, our payoff “Together we care” plays a significant role because we believe that we collectively have a responsibility to help others, and we naturally hope that you will want to help us with that.


Mammashop is a business sponsor of Din Nødhjælp 

As a company that works with children's items, we believe we have a special responsibility to support work specifically with children.

We support Din Nødhjælp led by Anja Lovén, who works to rescue witch children in Nigeria.

Witch children are small children who have been ostracized by their own families and entire villages solely based on superstitious accusations of being witches. Accusations can arise due to a failed harvest or a death in a family, or simply because they are different from other children, which leads to the need to find a scapegoat. The consequences of witch accusations can include ostracism from the village, violence, torture, and even murder.

Your DinNødhjælp task is to inform the local community and minimize the ignorance that unfortunately exists. This is done by helping the witch children and showing the community that the accusations are not true, but stem from superstition. The help also comes through the children's home that the organization runs, where there is an opportunity to create a safe and secure base for the vulnerable children. We have chosen to support DinNødhjælp because we believe there is a lot of courage behind the volunteers and Anja. They work for a cause that makes a difference for the children and the community they belong to. 


Mammashop is a business sponsor of Hammerum Special Football

We support Hammerum Special Football, a Mid-Jutland team for children with various disabilities.

  1. On April 7, 2011, the football team started up, and has since developed to include adults as well. They all have in common that they are diagnosed with disabilities and are passionate about football. The focus is on creating value for their players, giving them self-esteem and new friendships among each other. At the same time, all players get fresh air and better fitness.

Players have different disabilities, but despite this, a lot of camaraderie and huge support is created in the team. Everyone has general learning difficulties and attends or has attended special classes, but the individual disabilities include everything from severe ADHD to significant hearing impairments to various degrees of spasticity and other physical and mental challenges. Bullying is not an issue that is even considered at Hammerum Special Football. Everyone understands and accepts each other, which is the importance of the team. 

We are big fans of Hammerum Special Football where different disabilities mix into a lovely blend of respect, health, and good friendships. Additionally, it is really important to appreciate the efforts of the volunteers. When everyday life consists of so many challenges, as it does for people with disabilities, they – and those who help them – deserve a helping hand.

Mammashop is a business sponsor of Save the Children

We have chosen to support Save the Children because the organization does a really good job for children both internationally and locally. Therefore, we have chosen to support them as a business partner. The organization is operated and represented in over 120 countries, and works purposefully to save and improve children's lives around the world.

Save the Children fights for children's rights, prevents disasters, combats violence, provides first aid, abuse, and bullying. All these things help ensure school attendance and build communities. Read more about the work that Save the Children does here. 

Together we care,
Your Mammashop Team