We all know the butterflies in our stomach when we have to tell our loved ones some wonderful news.
The secret of a pregnancy might even be something you've been carrying for several weeks.
Many wait to say something until they have made it through the first trimester, have been to the first big scan, and have seen that everything is as it should be. The next step is to tell family and friends about the happy circumstances.
There are many sweet and fun ways to announce the pregnancy - in reality, only your imagination sets the limit. Some prefer fun and games, while others just want to say it in a calm and quiet way.
We have gathered 5 suggestions on how you can reveal your pregnancy:
1: Write it on a t-shirt.
You can get t-shirts printed in many places that, in one way or another, announce a pregnancy.
If you already have a child, there's the classic: “I’m going to be a big sister/brother.” But there are also many bodysuits with funny sayings that fit many of the different titles you can give as a gift.
It is also possible to create one where you draw or write something that hints at your pregnancy.
2: Photo-bomb.
Use the excuse that you want to take a picture together with the (still unaware) soon-to-be grandparents. One, two, three – SMILE! And just as the button is about to be pressed, the photographer exclaims: “XXXX is pregnant,” and then just wait for the reactions.
3: The calm way.
A calm way to say it is with a sweet little rhyme that you can place in a small frame. There are really many different rhymes that have already been written, so if you don't have a poet hidden inside you, we have found the two we think are the sweetest.
“A little baby in my belly,
it will be our life’s gift.
Day by day the belly grows,
for we will be mom and dad.
We look forward to next year (later this year),
when in our arms we will hold you.”
“You can’t see it just yet,
fill this frame.
But by August this year
in a fresh picture you’ll gain.
For the stork will come
before summer is done.”
Both rhymes can easily be adapted to fit when your due date is.
4: Say it with a video.
Gather memories and make a little video with highlights from your relationship, when you met, moved in together, etc. Then end with a video clip from a scan, or where you stand with a scan picture in front of your belly, and tell when the expected due date is.
5: Puzzle.
Get a nice puzzle made, possibly with a background color (if you have waited to say something until you know the gender, you can choose either light blue or light pink) and then write a little text on it, such as: “You are going to be grandparents” or “We are expecting.” In the end, just watch and wait for a reaction while it is being assembled. Some are quicker than others at putting puzzles together, so remember to bring out your best poker face.
We hope you find something here that you can use to reveal your fantastic secret or at least have gained a little inspiration to come up with something yourself.