
En mor bliver til

A mother is born

The psychological processes leading up to motherhood One does not simply become a mother overnight....
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Tegn på graviditet – er du gravid?

Signs of pregnancy – are you pregnant?

Can you recognize the symptoms of pregnancy? Many have a feeling that they might be...
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Løb som gravid – er det en god eller skidt ide?

Running while pregnant – is it a good or bad idea?

We have all heard the many statements about how it is a bad idea to...
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Tag ventetøjet i brug efter uge 12

Use the waiting device after week 12

“When should I start wearing maternity clothes?” That is a question that many (first-time) pregnant...
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Oplev 9 måneder i maven på 4 minutter (Video)

Experience 9 months in the womb in 4 minutes (Video)

The video shows how a 9-month pregnancy is experienced in the womb.
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Væske i kroppen

Fluid in the body

A lot of things happen to the body when you are pregnant. Some things are...
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Babyshower – en fest for den gravide!

Baby shower – a party for the pregnant!

When the first baby arrives in the world, there is no doubt that the baby...
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Søvn under graviditet

Sleep during pregnancy

Most women will experience being pregnant at one or more points in their lives. Bringing...
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Giftes som gravid – den perfekte bryllupskjole

Married while pregnant – the perfect wedding dress

It is no secret that as a pregnant woman, there are a number of reservations...
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Jeg er gravid – hvordan er det nu lige med vitaminer og tilskud?

I am pregnant – how does it work with vitamins and supplements?

Learn more about what your diet should include when you are pregnant and which vitamins...
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