The supply of baby carriers, wraps, and slings has grown significantly in recent years in line with the great popularity and demand among new parents. It is also just a super smart way to carry your child, where closeness is enhanced while you have the opportunity to be practical. What’s not to like!?
Are you still a bit unsure, despite the increasing popularity, about what a baby carrier, wrap, or sling can actually be used for, and what the differences between the three types are?
Then read on here!
Baby Carrier
Before we discuss the comfort of the baby carrier, it is important to establish that a newborn should not sit up. Infants benefit most from lying on their stomach on the floor, as this position strengthens the child's back and teaches them to turn and twist, crawl, roll, and so on. According to , a child should be at least three months old and able to hold its head up before being placed in a baby carrier. However, even if your child has just started to hold its head up, it is still recommended to use a baby carrier with good neck support. Your child should still have the opportunity to turn their head.
The comfort of a baby carrier is very important for both you and your child, as otherwise, you may both experience problems in the area around the back and hips. For your child to sit correctly in the carrier, it is recommended that your child sits facing you in the first six months, as the child's back should be rounded. A child's spine is C-shaped in the first half year, and therefore does not benefit from having its back against the adult, making the spine straight. Additionally, facing towards the adult is also healthiest for the child's hip position.
Avoid dangling legs and instead ensure that your child is sitting in a frog position – that is, with the knees higher than the bottom. This way, the C-shape is maintained, and the little one's back and hips are relieved. Moreover, you should also be aware of varying your child's sitting position, as the same position or a fixed sitting position for an extended time is also not healthy for your child's hips and back.
As mentioned, the comfort of the baby carrier is also important for you as parents. A good weight distribution, where the weight is carried on both the hips, back, and shoulders, is a must for a good baby carrier. Be aware that some baby carriers do not have a hip belt, which means that the weight will solely hang on your shoulders, which will feel heavier than it actually is.
If you are looking for a baby carrier , in addition to your own and your child's comfort, it would be a good idea to consider the usability of the carrier: whether it is easy to put on and easy to take along on the go. You will definitely appreciate this in the long run
See Mammashop's wide selection of baby carriers right here!
It has never been more popular to carry your child close to your body! And especially wraps are a hit – and for good reason. Body and close contact and the sound of mom and dad's heartbeat and breathing are really good and soothing for babies, as it gives them a sense of lying warm and safe inside mom's belly.
Overall, a wrap is a long piece of fabric that you wrap around your body and the child, so it sits like in a baby carrier. The fabric can be up to five meters and can either be an elastic stretch wrap or an unelastic fixed wrap.
Stretch wrap
A stretch wrap is often made of soft cotton with stretch on the short side, so you can actually tie the wrap and then put the child in. This way, you don’t have to struggle to hold the child while tying the wrap – so smart!
In addition, a stretch wrap is super easy to tie and hugs your child and your body, so you can get it to sit as you wish.
Unlike a baby carrier, you can use your stretch wrapas soon as the baby is born and all the way until they weigh around 10 kg. Since the wrap molds to the baby's body, your child's spine will maintain its C-shape. If you use the wrap for a child over 10 kg., you will find that the wrap stretches a lot, which will not be comfortable for you or the little one.
Fixed wrap
While a stretch wrap is relatively easy to use, a fixed wrap requires a little more "training". A fixed wrap is made of a sturdier fabric and woven in a fixed weave that does not stretch. In the beginning, they are often a bit stiff and need to be used a few times before they feel more comfortable. Be aware that a fixed wrap also requires a bit of patience, as it only fits perfectly when it is tightened around the child and adjusted.
A major advantage of acquiring a fixed wrap is that it can carry up to 20 kg., which means you can use it for many years. At the same time, it is also super good at distributing the weight on slightly heavier children, so you will be able to carry for longer periods at a time.
See the selection of wraps at Mammashop right here!
Last week, we asked our followers via a Facebook post what they preferred to carry their baby in, and here the wrap was a clear winner. Here is a small selection of the comments:
- “I was happy with my stretch wrap from Je Porte Mon Bébé when my son was newborn. Now I use a fixed wrap or Fidella Fly Tai, as he sits best in them. My husband used an Ergobaby carrier.” (Liv)
- “Here it gets wrapped every morning, when the two big ones need to take the school bus – they also like to use it when we shop or just need the closeness and contact.” (Malu)
- “I really like my woven wrap for long walks, but it’s my ring sling that I use the most. It’s easy to just pick my son up in it when we need to quickly go in and get milk, when he’s upset, or when the potatoes need peeling. My husband likes his baby carrier from ErgoBaby.” (Pernille)
- “After giving birth, I didn’t have the energy to learn how to use the stretchy wrap properly; it became too complicated for me. Therefore, I switched to a baby carrier, which was much easier for me! We got an Ergobaby baby carrier, and I LOVE it. It’s easy and super good.” (Heidi)
- “Personally, I prefer wraps, as they can be adjusted to a much higher degree than most clip devices. I enjoy the closeness they provide while also being able to be practical while carrying my child. My baby sits close to me, gets the security and warmth from my body, along with a lot of stimuli from my movements.” (Line)
- “I love my wraps and also loved my Je Porte Mon Bébé when my little one was a newborn.” (Kamilla)
In the Facebook post, there were a few who preferred to use slings, which are a great alternative to a baby carrier or wrap. However, they are best suited for shorter trips when considering what is ergonomically best for both the child and the wearer.
In short, a sling is a piece of fabric that wraps around you and the child, where you primarily carry the little one's weight on one shoulder.
The big advantage of a sling is that your child can stay in it for a long time, as there is not the same strain on the spine as when the child is, for example, sitting in a baby carrier.
There are a few different types of slings, but especially the ring sling is popular. A ring sling is a type of wrap that is gathered at one end by two rings. The rings make the sling quick and super easy to set up compared to a stretchy wrap, for example. It is therefore easy to see through, very simple to place the child in, and easy to adjust when the child is in it. Sounds wonderfully easy, right?
However, carrying the child's weight on only one shoulder is a disadvantage for your back, as it causes uneven weight distribution. Therefore, you should be careful not to carry in the ring sling for too long.
Also read: Benefits of carrying your child on your body
/ Team Mammashop