Done by Deer cup

Done by Deer

It is a big step in a child's development when they start to eat and drink by themselves, without necessarily needing help from mom or dad. However, it can still be a bit difficult for your child to handle the cup motorically at first, so there will definitely be an accident or two. With a Done By Deer cup, you don't have to worry about the cup falling on the floor. These fine cups are made of phthalate-free melamine, which means they can withstand being dropped without getting damaged.

Cups for both small and big babies

If your child has just started wanting to hold the cup by themselves, you can find the prettiest Done by Deer cups, which are equipped with both a handle and a lid. This way, only a moderate amount of liquid comes out of the cup even if it is turned upside down. Thus, you risk not having your child pour the contents onto their face.

Practice makes perfect, so as your child gets better at handling their own cup, you can swap the cup with a lid for a real glass. However, the glass is still made of plastic, so if it ends up on the floor, no harm will be done.