Buy toys for kids and baby
At Mammashop we love high quality toys. Therefore, you will also find a large selection of both sustainable, safe and well -tested products that offer creative play and learning while at the top. When you buy your next toy with us, you will find that you get lightning fast delivery and a toy that will create joy and invite for many hours of fun and educational play.
See all toys on offerBuy toys for kids and baby

At Mammashop, we love good toys of high quality. Therefore, you will also find a large selection of both sustainable, safe, and thoroughly tested products that encourage creative play and learning while ensuring top-notch safety. When you purchase your next toy from us, you will experience lightning-fast delivery and a toy that will bring joy and invite many hours of fun and educational play.
Find wooden toys at
At, you will find a large and wide selection of toys online at fantastic low prices. You will find everything for your children, grandchildren, or other children in the family, ranging from push carts, rocking horses, dollhouses, puppet theaters, balance bikes, and farms to playhouses and tents for wooden toys. There are many great benefits at For example, you can get free shipping on purchases over 500 kroner, and it is easy to return if the items do not meet your expectations. Cheap toys are the big specialty at, and here quality is what counts.
You will find many well-known brands of exciting toys online, with a focus on everything for children and babies. So if your children love to play with toys like a grocery store, beautiful dollhouses in a good size, or if they want to play chef and cook or perhaps host a cozy little tea party, you will also find a wide selection of play kitchens and various accessories at If you are a parent or grandparent and want your children or grandchildren to have the best toys, then visit the website with the large selection of toys for children.
Good quality with good service
At, there are skilled and quality-conscious employees who want the best for you and your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. You can find high-quality toys, and if they do not meet your expectations, will exchange them with a smile. You can easily get your items exchanged for wooden toys if your children have changed their minds. It is easy and quick to order cheap toys, and if you order before 2 PM, the exciting toy will be sent the same day. Therefore, your children do not have to wait several long days for their new toys. If you have any doubts about your orders for your toys or have other questions, our skilled and competent employees are ready to assist you via email. You might also find the answer on our FAQ page. We respond as quickly as possible, often within a few hours. Quality toys and a website with good service can only be found at
Wide selection
With us, you will find a huge selection of popular items for children. All items are of the highest quality, which means you can safely let your child play with our products - completely securely and calmly. You will find all the popular items here on the page. The most popular product categories at include our wooden play food, where we sell many well-known brands such as Hape, which makes play food in an incredibly beautiful and timeless design. Haba play food, which is well-known among all parents and children and is a hallmark of quality and unique products. MaMaMeMo play food, which is Danish-owned and therefore makes Danish products you can find in supermarkets, including well-known Danish butter, cornflakes, and much more.
Scandinavian toys
We love Scandinavian toys. The quality and design make the products something truly special and very unique. At, we are very excited about the fine Scandinavian products we sell here on this page. Among other things, we have furniture and toys in genuine Scandinavian design from Danish Sebra. Likewise, we have interior items and incredibly beautiful toys from Swedish Kids Concept.
Baby Toys
We love baby toys. Toys for babies are an incredibly important part of the child's further development and learning. Good baby toys equal well-developed and healthy children. Therefore, it is important to always ensure that your baby has age-appropriate toys that fit the child's current age – both in terms of physical age and also mental and developmental age.
Do you find that the baby toys are not being used and that the baby simply does not find the toys relevant? Then it is typically because the toys do not match the child's age. Either the toys are too difficult for the child to figure out. For example, if it is a shape sorter and the child cannot motorically fit the blocks into the box, it may be too early for a shape sorter.
If the child, on the other hand, finds it too easy to put the wooden blocks into the shape sorter, the shape sorter will become too easy and uninteresting to play with.
It may therefore be a really good idea to assess whether the toys are too easy or too difficult for the baby to use. Et if it is too easy, the game is over and you can either save the toy for a little brother or sister. Alternatively, you can sell it used.
If the toy is too difficult, there is hope ahead. Because hopefully before long it will become suitable for the baby's development and therefore interesting for the child to use. If you find that it is too difficult, we recommend that you store the toy away so that the child does not see the toy for a while. When you assess that the toy is now suitable for your child, you can bring the toy out again and give it. For the first time, the baby has probably forgotten that it is something 'old toy' and therefore considers it to be completely new and extremely exciting. Thus, the toy gets et et a whole new life and now creates joy for the baby.
If you are looking for age-appropriate baby toys, we have made it easy for you. Jump in and see our large selection of baby toys – we have toys for children and babies of all ages.
If you are looking for some nice dolls or some accessories for them, you have come to the right place. At Mammashop, we are all-in on everything that has to do with dolls, doll toys, accessories, and various equipment. Therefore, you will find et a vast universe of exciting dolls in all price ranges. We have beautiful dolls for 80 kr. and large luxury dolls for over 1,000 kr. Therefore, we have et a selection that covers most people's needs.
Buy a doll and dress it as you wish. With our selection of doll toys, you will be able to dress your doll exactly as you want. Whether you need to take your doll to a party or if the doll needs to sleep, you can find et matching sets.
Dolls are a really exciting and interesting piece of toy for many (especially girls) et. The dolls invite a lot of hours of play, where they can be tucked in, played with, and fed in all imaginable ways. Put the doll in a stroller and take it for a walk around the house, in the garden, or at the summer house. It is both fun, and the child loves to play 'mom and dad' with the doll. It helps the little one to truly understand care and taking care of other people. Therefore, it can be a really good idea to give the little one a doll – and they will definitely find it fun and exciting to play with.
As soon as a doll becomes uninteresting, you can spice up the play with new accessories. For example, buy a bike seat for your doll to take it out on a bike ride. Or you can also buy a nice doll bed so you can put the doll to bed in the evening. Alternatively, et a small changing table, so you can change and care for it.
It is all just the imagination that sets the limits for what you can do with your doll. And at Mammashop we make it possible with our large selection.
Teddy Bears
If you are looking for a soft and lovely teddy bear, you can take et a closer look at our selection. The fine teddy bears are both fun and super soft. Many of our teddy bears have the wildest 'cuteness' and are therefore completely irresistible. Our buyers usually go completely crazy when it comes to buying teddy bears. They simply cannot resist :-)
Our soft teddy bears are perfect for the stroller, in bed, or for cuddling on the sofa. They help create a cozy and safe atmosphere around the child and are therefore super good for children who often have difficulty falling asleep.
A teddy bear is a perfect gift for a christening, a party, or a birthday. It is sweet, soft, and absolutely fantastic. Even though your child is likely to have too many teddy bears in your eyes, they will definitely create immense joy and excitement for the little one every single time.
At Mammashop we have various teddy bears from many well-known brands.
Creative Toys
Are you in a creative mood or do you simply have et a child who just loves to be creative? Then you will find everything for creative play at Mammashop. Draw on our fine boards, read in the nice books, and paint in a coloring book. Everything is possible with our creative and educational toys.
Creativity is an important part of a child's development. Therefore, it can also be super good to have some toys that challenge the little one in their creativity and in thinking of possible solutions.
Creativity is many things – it is not just about drawing a picture for mom and dad, but also largely about finding creative and innovative solutions. For how do you build et a house out of modeling clay or how do you fold a paper airplane that flies best? Challenge the child and set some demands on them. They will most likely find it super fun and incredibly challenging.
With creative play, you can have an incredible number of hours go by. You can have apps on the iPad that challenge creativity when sitting in a car on the way to vacation or on the way to grandparents.
If you are cooking, the children can sit at the kitchen table and draw what they have experienced during the day. This also invites a cozy conversation about what the child has experienced during the day and what feelings they have had. Have they been teased, played a fun game, or did they get scolded by the adults because they didn't do what they were told?
Creative play is therefore much more than just drawing a picture – it is creativity, challenging, and leads to so many exciting conversations and thoughts.
Outdoor Play
Summer and sunshine mean outdoor play on a grand scale. Fun outdoor play is the recipe for a successful and delightful summer with the children.
That’s why we at Mammashop et have a wide selection of everything for the warm summer days and everything you need for fun outdoor play.
We have everything from swings, swing sets, playhouses, sandboxes, and fun water toys. Additionally, you will find classic and extremely fun garden games – perfect for a good Friday night with the whole family. Play the classic king game: Children against the adults.
Among our selection of outdoor toys, you will also find et a wide range of the popular and beautiful balance bikes from many well-known brands. The balance bikes are perfect to take on vacation, the beach, or for a walk on a warm summer evening. If you want to go for a morning jog, you can take the kids along on the balance bike – it’s both fun and super cozy. And you both get a good workout at the same time.
If you want to take your children to the garden, you can find et a wide selection of fine gardening tools in child size. Let your children have their own little vegetable garden – watch the green grow and taste the delicious things you have cultivated. It is healthy, organic, and dr delicious. Unleash the children's creative abilities and give them the great responsibility of taking care of their own flowers and herbs – they will definitely grow with the task.
Role Play
Play knight, pirate, or play chef in your very own play kitchen. With us, you will find a lot of toys for fun role play. Among our popular items, you will find fun doctor bags that allow you to check on your dolls, stuffed animals, friends, and family. The fun doctor bags contain everything the little doctor needs. It’s super fun toy and provides many hours of enjoyable play.
Play Food
Mammashop is probably Denmark's absolute largest retailer of play food in both wood and fabric. When you shop for play food with us, you are looking at et selection that spans over 400 different items. You will therefore find almost everything your heart desires, and you will most likely find your favorite in play food.
At Mammashop, we have become incredibly fond of the fine play food, and that is probably also why our selection is as large as it is today (and we receive new items in this category daily). Buy everything from organic milk to juicy burgers and fries. All made in miniature size for your little one.
The toy food creates incredibly fun and creative play. A good idea would be to supplement with et play kitchen. This way, the children can cook and make all the food they want and serve it to mom, dad, or their dolls.
Many parents experience that children want to be involved in the kitchen. It can often be cozy, but sometimes you are busy and would therefore like to avoid the children in cooking to finish faster – and that is of course completely fair.
With play food and et play kitchen, you get the opportunity to let the children make their very own food in their very own play kitchen. The children will most likely invite you to taste the lovely food they have just made.
Now that you can get almost everything in toy food at Mammashop, your child will also be able to make almost any conceivable dishes – both 'real' and the more creative and imaginative ones. So, it is only the child's imagination that sets the limits for what can be made of delicious food in the toy kitchen.
Play Kitchens
In addition to the large selection of toy food, we also have a lot of play kitchens. We always recommend that before you invest in too much toy food, it might be a really good idea to invest in et a good play kitchen.
This way, the child has a base and et focal point for cooking and playing with food.
Among our toy kitchens, you will find everything from the very small models that fit perfectly on et table to the large luxury models with refrigerators, stoves, hoods, and much more. Our price range for the different toy kitchens is from 300 to 3,000 DKK, so you will find a model that fits every budget.
Et play kitchen is a newer type of toy that has really come into vogue. It has become extremely popular to own et toy kitchen, and for very good reason: It is both fun for the little one and provides many quality play hours at home. Many of our customers tell us that their children use their play kitchen every single day. Likewise, it is great for playing with multiple children, as several kids can stand at et and the same kitchen. They can also pretend that one is the chef and the other is a customer in the restaurant.
Let your child's imagination run wild in play with et our beautiful kitchens.
Workbenches and Accessories
Knock knock knock… With et workbench, your child can build the biggest constructions. Unleash creativity with et workbenches for children.
At Mammashop, we love the fine and fun tools for children, and therefore you will also find et a large selection of just handcraft toys. Build fun things, fix the broken toy, and much more. Our popular workbenches are very popular and a super good Christmas gift idea.
Musical Instruments
Teach your child vowels, music, and rhythm. With our musical instruments for children, you give your child a unique opportunity to play music and give them some rhythm in their body.
It is super important to let children hear music from an early age. Music and musical instruments captivate most children aged 1-4 years and will likely create joy and curiosity. Maybe your child will learn to play a real melody?
We have everything from maracas, harmonicas, pianos, and small xylophones at all price levels so everyone can join in.
Start et a band and perform for the whole family. Give et a number on one of our many popular guitars for children and sing a song.
Push Toys and Ride-On Cars
Our retro cars are et a real hit – they are super cool and are not only fun but also a delight for the eye. It is toy of the highest quality, both in terms of the beautiful design and play value. The retro ride-on cars are et a piece of toy that you feel totally cool having standing right in the living room. For it is not just et a piece of toy. No, it is actually a design object. Not only will the children love the ride-on cars, but the car-loving man will be at least as crazy about the car.
Play Tents
In our selection you will find fun and beautiful play tents for the little ones. With et play tent, the child can have a little hideout in the children's room or in the living room with mom and dad. Likewise, our play tents can easily be folded up and can thus be taken on vacation, to a summer house, or to visit the grandparents. They are super easy to fold up and easy to unfold again.
Among the many play tents, there are different models. Choose between knight castles, princess castles, pirate ships, and much more. Fun toys that your child will surely love.
Wooden Toys
We cannot avoid our large selection of wooden toys. We believe that wooden toys are some of the best toys a child can have – therefore, we also have et a really large selection of just that.
At Mammashop, our focus has always been on sustainable toys of high quality, and therefore we cannot overlook wooden toys. For if there is anything that is sustainable, it is wooden toys made from sustainable wood materials that are FSC-certified, which means that when et wood is felled, there is proof that new trees are planted. Thus, forests are not just cleared to make nice toys, but there is compensation when trees are cut down for timber production. Therefore, many of our toy items are sustainable.
We care a lot about good quality toys, and that is why you will not find products made of plastic at a cheap price. It is neither good for the environmentet nor for your child. And what we often see is that cheap plastic toys often do not last for being used and always break after just a few hours of use. That is why we have chosen to focus exclusively on lovely wooden items of high quality at reasonable prices.
Mamamemo Toys
We cannot overlook the fine toys from Mamamemo. The items are Danish design of impressive quality and completely unique. Mamamemo is known for their selection of toy food in et design, just like we know from the supermarket. Buy, for example, toys that look like eggs, cream puffs, chocolate cookies, cocoa milk, butter, milk, and much more. It fits perfectly with the child's play kitchens.
At Mammashop, we love the items and therefore have et the full range of the fine Mamamemo toys.
Kids Concept
Kids Concept is Swedish toys of high quality. They are known for caring a lot about design and therefore have a large design department that develops and designs the fine wooden items and interiors. Kids Concept is the epitome of toys in Scandinavian design that both bring joy to the little one and will adorn any children's room.
At Mammashop, we have many different items from Kids Concept and regularly update it as new contemporary collections are launched. You can find the entire selection in our toy department here at
Goki Toys
Goki wooden toys are actually the brand we have had in our toy category for the absolute longest time. The products are super cheap, but despite the low price, they are of impressive high (and German) quality. The products bear the mark of classic toys, and you will find something old, classic, and timeless. Among the toys, you will also find old classics in new interpretations, and it is here that the magic of Goki wooden toys becomes created.
You will find the entire selection of their popular puzzles, dolls, push cars, and classic motor skills toys.
BRIO trains and train tracks
You are very likely familiar with the classic toy from BRIO. It is ancient, yet it still thrives in its very best condition. The popular and classic products from BRIO are a true delight and are among the toys in the world that best retain their value. This means that BRIO toys can be a bit expensive to buy, but their resale value is also high. On the other hand, if you buy cheap toys, they often have zero value after just a few days.
Black Friday deals on toys
At Mammashop, we have really good deals on toys every year on Black Friday. Therefore, it is also worth keeping an eye on our Black Friday deals on toys here on the page.
Together with our suppliers, you will be able to find sharp offers on everything from toys to baby gear to toys and interior every year on Black Friday.
Even though we at Mammashop only sell products of high quality and often with sustainable production, we do not believe that it should affect the price. We want to provide sustainable and extremely safe products for your child without it having to hit hard on your wallet. We believe that good (and safe) toys are extremely important and something all children should have in their rooms.