Leander cradle

Leander cradle

Sleep time and nighttime sleep can be very two very sensitive topics when talking to new parents. The little one rarely has intentions of adapting to everyday life, and it can be very difficult for babies to find peace in their new existence on their own.

Here, the cradle from Leander is worth its weight in gold because it creates a safe, warm, and rocking base, and this is often the way to calm bedtime routines and longer-lasting sleep. The Leander cradle hangs in four secure lines, allowing it to rock gently from side to side.

Babies are used to movement from their time in their mother's womb, and therefore many little ones find it easier to fall asleep if they are rocked. They can be rocked in the Leander cradle, which hangs freely and can thus be moved as desired.

The story behind Leander started with the cradle

Leander as a brand started back in 1998 when Stig Leander founded this company. He did this because his sister-in-law was expecting, and ideas began to bubble in Stig's mind. With his training as a blacksmith in the back of his mind, Stig started to design and develop a cradle that, in addition to being a sleeping space, can also support babies' development and inner peace.

From that starting point came the Leander cradle, as it looks today. It quickly became a great success, and the classic Leander cradle is produced and shipped to et double-digit number of countries around the world.

The cradle was the first product, but since then Leander has also become popular for their other products and series. Among them is their changing pad, which is the leading one on the market due to its bacteria-repellent surface, beautiful design, and practical function.

Find your way to safe and calm sleep

Sleep is et one of the main themes when you have a newborn. Unfortunately, there is no answer key because all babies are completely different. This applies to their personality and appearance, but also their sleep patterns and needs.

However, some things are common denominators for the little ones, and these can be tried to be met when it's time for bed. It is primarily about a fed, dry, and tired baby. Furthermore, for many babies, it is about safety, familiarity, and calmness. It can be difficult to create this for the little being that is experiencing everything for the first time.

Here, the Leander cradle is a great help because the embracing cradle with its swinging movements creates a secure base for the little one, radiating safety and warmth. At the same time, a canopy is available for the cradle, shielding the little one from the surroundings like a et gentle curtain.

Therefore, the cradle is also good to take to a summer house, visiting grandparents, or similar. This way, the child will have their safe haven with them, and afternoon naps can take place without hassle.

Beautiful cradle that fits into a modern decor

Leander's design is always created based on the premise that both adults and children will use the product. This means that thought has been given to function and form in et interplay, which is somewhat atypical for this kind of products intended for babies and children.

The cradle from Leander is just as beautiful in its design as the other products from Leander. Leander the cradle you may have seen on various housing sites, where it has made its way into a huge number of homes.

The classic design fits into the modern style, and therefore it is also a nice thing to have hanging in your living room, in et's children's room, or next to the parents' bed. This fusion of form and function is topped off by Leander's focus on quality, details, and sustainability. Their products are simply built to last, and they are made solely from solid and thoughtful materials.

Buy all the equipment for the crib at Mammashop

Because Mammashop is an official dealer for Leander, you will also easily be able to add various equipment to the Leander crib. You can get different hanging options, which are determined by the options you have and want in your home. In some homes, it makes sense to add a et stand for the Leander crib, while in other homes it can be managed with a hook in the ceiling. Both different stands and hooks for the crib can be purchased here.

Let the Leander crib move in with you, and enjoy et's moments of peace while the little one sleeps safely. Make the bed with lovely organic bedding, and tuck your little one in with their pacifier and et kisses on the forehead. Then you can safely lean back in a quiet moment, and perhaps gently rock the crib if there should be any unrest.