At the end of this week, you are halfway through your pregnancy. Particularly this week, around week 20, you will be invited for a congenital anomaly scan. During the scan, you may be able to see the grimaces or movements that the baby has been practicing for a long time.
Now you are eating for two
The baby's sense of taste is now so well-developed that he or she is already experiencing different flavors. This depends on what you, as a pregnant woman, eat. This is because the amniotic fluid is mildly influenced by what you consume. It is also the amniotic fluid that the baby swallows daily, thus introducing them to various tastes.
The sense of taste is well-developed, but is fully developed around week 27, and in fact, children are born with more taste buds than later in life and as adults. However, with the well-developed sense of taste that the baby currently has at week 20, one could say that you are, in a way, eating for two.
If you feel an increased need to eat, it may be because your metabolism is increasing during this part of your pregnancy. In fact, metabolism increases by up to 15% in the second half of pregnancy. Additionally, there is weight gain and energy for the growth of the fetus, which also requires extra energy.
Congenital Anomaly Scan
As a pregnant woman in week 20, you are offered a congenital anomaly scan by the public health system, which is also referred to as a detailed scan. It is an ultrasound scan where the fetus will be examined for any anomalies.
The reason the scan is offered at this time is that it is expected that all of the fetus's organs are formed by this point in the pregnancy. Therefore, it will be possible to detect any anomalies.
If you or you do not already know the gender of your upcoming child, it will usually be possible to find out during this scan. However, this can be hindered by factors such as the baby's position and where the umbilical cord is located.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Contractions may be a word you associate with your impending labor, but starting from now, you will begin to experience Braxton Hicks contractions - and this is a good thing. Braxton Hicks contractions are the uterus's way of preparing for labor; however, you should be aware that these should not be regular or painful at this stage.
The uterus is a muscle that you do not have control over. But during a Braxton Hicks contraction, the uterus will become completely hard and then relax afterward. This is a completely natural part of pregnancy, and you will likely begin to experience it from now on.
Size of the Fetus
If you lie down and pull your stomach in, you will be able to see the small bump. Behind that bump is your little baby, who now measures 25 cm from head to toe and weighs about 300 grams. Measured from head to bottom, the fetus will be about 20 cm.
Advice for Partners
It is time for another scan, this time with the purpose of checking for anomalies. This can be concerning and create anxiety for you and your partner, so a good piece of advice would be to talk about the scan as well as your thoughts and feelings surrounding it.
One of the things you need to find out, if you do not already know from a previous scan, is the gender of your upcoming child. Therefore, it is important that you agree on whether you wish to know it or not.