The heavy work continues, and the little one inside is sucking up all the good stuff. Mom needs to remember to replenish her own reserves as well, so everyone has the best chances of feeling good during this last period.
Remember yourself too
The little baby in your belly will generally ensure it gets all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, it is mainly the mother who needs to pay attention to replenishing all her own reserves.
Consult with your doctor and midwife if you feel depleted, or if you otherwise feel your system has changed. A deficiency in vitamins, calcium, iron, or similar can cause you discomfort and other issues.
There are many supplements that are recommended, but it is clearly best to follow advice from your own doctor or midwife, who knows you well.
What is happening in the belly?
At this stage, the amount of amniotic fluid will be at its highest. About a whole liter surrounds the fetus, which is swimming around in there. It is getting cramped in there, even if the little one is in a fetal position. However, there is still plenty of room for the little one to move, and you might feel a kick to your ribs or an arm in your side.
Most babies will also have positioned themselves with their heads down towards the mother's pelvis. If your baby hasn't done that yet, don't worry - there is still plenty of time. External version attempts can also be made as you get closer to your due date if the little one hasn't turned.
Size of the fetus
With a weight of around 2200 grams and a length of about 43 centimeters, your fetus is gradually becoming a big baby. Hopefully, you can feel it too, and its movements are only getting bigger and feel wilder.
The baby is about the size of a large eggplant, and the shape is probably not too far off. It may be difficult to visualize, but perhaps the large vegetable can give a little insight.
Advice for the partner
Find some time together where you can just relax. It is hard work being pregnant, and therefore it may be necessary for you to take on a larger load at home. However, you should also prepare physically, and you can benefit from doing that together.
Have a cozy evening at home with movies and relaxation without distractions from phones, children, or similar. Or involve the older siblings in some activities that are not strenuous. They will surely enjoy relaxing completely with their parents. Before long, they will also need to make space for an extra family member.