Many first-time parents hear the term "balcony stroller" – as a help, we would like to explain what it is.
What is a balcony stroller?
A balcony stroller is, as the name suggests, a stroller that is solely intended to stand on the balcony or terrace.
The stroller is often an older and worn model and is rarely "functional" like a normal stroller.
Why have a balcony stroller?
The balcony stroller is used so that the baby can sleep in the stroller on the terrace/balcony without you having to carry a stroller up the stairs/elevator every time you go in and out.
Your normal stroller is placed at street level, so you always have a stroller standing higher up as a "fixed" installation.
Where to buy a balcony stroller?
There are many balcony strollers for sale on DBA and Trendsales.
Remember to clean the balcony stroller
When you buy an older balcony stroller, it is important to clean it thoroughly. Both the fabric and the frame. The stroller may have been left outside for a long time without being cared for, as it is the "secondary" stroller.
Our best advice – New mattress
Our best advice for you considering buying a balcony stroller is to buy a new mattress. With a new mattress, you can create the feeling of a new stroller and ensure that the baby lies well in the balcony stroller.