Beds and cradles

Beds and Cradles

Sleep is the most important thing, both as an adult and especially for your child. The child's development of all senses, muscles, and the brain requires good sleep. At Mammashop, we have selected a wide range of beds for all phases of a child's life. You can start with a cradle, baby bed, or a cot and then switch to a junior bed that has space for the child for a longer time. Several of the beds also have multifunctions so you can use them in several periods.

Explanation of Bed Types for Babies and Children

Below you will find an explanation of the different bed types for babies and toddlers. Often there is some confusion over what people call the different bed types.

Baby Bed

The term baby bed is used for both actual baby beds, cots, and cradles. A baby bed is characterized by being smaller in size, funnily enough, and in addition, there are various other functions that make it good for children.

Several baby beds come with the option to raise the base, so you don’t have to bend down so far to pick up the baby. Many baby beds can remove the side so they can be used as an early junior bed.

Click here to see all baby beds.


A cradle is a baby bed with the ability to rock the child from side to side. The movement in a cradle provides the baby with calm and lays the foundation for good sleep. In addition to good sleep, the movements in the cradle also train the baby's own senses.

Click here to see all cradles.


A cot has many similarities with a baby bed; the bars allow the baby to look out - even though the baby is "trapped" in the bed. The bars can also serve as "support" when the baby is learning to stand up. A cot can also be used as a kind of playpen if you have the option to move it.

Click here to see all cots.

Junior Bed

From the age of about 1½ years, you can consider placing the child in their own junior bed. A junior bed is more like a real bed. It varies when the child is ready for a junior bed. The child can have the junior bed until the age of 5-7 depending on size and temperament. Transitioning from a baby bed/cot to a junior bed is often a big day - both for you as parents and the child.

Click here to see all junior beds.


When you buy a bed, you should be aware of whether a mattress is included; if not, you can buy one that fits. Many also choose to buy a new mattress for a used baby bed.

Accessories for Beds and Bedding

In addition to the bed itself and the mattress, there are also options to buy additional items. Whether it’s insect nets, bed canopies, cradle edges, or something entirely different, you will find everything in our accessories category. Click in and see what you feel like buying.

Click here to see all bedding.