The frost has once again bitten down. And although the crunching grass is fun to step on, it is a cold pleasure to be out in. We provide some tips on how your child can stay warm on the go, and what to look for when searching for the right sleeping bag. 😊 But which sleeping bag should you choose? It completely depends on your needs and which features and combinations you are looking for. Mammashop offers suggestions on which features and needs you should be aware of.
3- and 5-point sleeping bags
Sleeping bags are a hit and come in many different versions, which can provide warmth in winter and take the worst cold in transitional months. Some sleeping bags are even made with holes for 3- and 5-point harnesses, so they can be used in car seats or with the harness in the stroller! By choosing a sleeping bag that is adapted to the harnesses, you can be sure that your child can stay warm and be securely fastened. At Sleepbag, Babytrold, and Elodie Details, you will find high-quality sleeping bags with holes in the back, making them easy to use with the stroller harness and in the car seat.
Combination sleeping bags
A sleeping bag does not only need to be a sleeping bag. Many come with multiple functions, where they can also be used as a play mat, sleeping bag, or function as a kind of weekend bed, so you don’t have to haul blankets and pillows with you. 7 A.Ms ENFANT sleeping bag has snap buttons that make it easy to remove the fleece lining and turn the front into a blanket. The removable lining also allows the sleeping bag to be used year-round.
Fabelab has combined several solutions with their quilted blanket, whose design makes it possible to shape the blanket into both a sleeping bag, baby nest, or even a bird! With inspiration from origami, the seams and colors make it easy to reshape and adapt the blanket to your specific needs.
When there is more than one
It can be a challenge to choose the right sleeping bag, and if you have twins, it can quickly become a double experience! 7 A.M. has created a sleeping bag for double strollers, so the little bundles of energy can keep each other company on the trip.
7 good tips for the cold chill
- Do not let your child stay outside if the temperature is below minus 10 degrees
- Only healthy children should sleep outside in cold weather, always under supervision
- Remember rain covers and mosquito nets, depending on the weather
- The stroller should be sheltered from wind, rain, and dew
- Use wool clothing and accessories in months that end with r – January, February, September, October, November, December.
- Remember the right clothing for your child. Even though the sleeping bag is wonderfully warm, it is a good idea to give your child mittens, booties, and a soft snowsuit
- Check the temperature in your child's neck. It is the best way to find out if your child is too warm or cold down in the cozy sleeping bag. Cozy is the key word, and if the child is damp or sweaty, the clothing should be adjusted.
/ Mammashop