It is so cozy and convenient to have your little newborn close when you are breastfeeding. It is a fantastic connection for both you and the baby! However, some women experience that they get breastfeeding shoulders, stiff neck, or other discomforts due to breastfeeding. So even though breastfeeding is really good for the bond between you and your child, and your child gets a lot of good nutrition, remember to pay attention to your body – it is working hard throughout pregnancy, and when your baby is an infant, be sure to be a little kind to your body if you notice that it is pinching here and there. You are definitely not being whiny; you are just being attentive to the things happening with your body! 🙂
Breastfeeding Positions
Fortunately, there is help available if you feel that your body is reacting a bit negatively to your way of breastfeeding. There are many different breastfeeding positions that you can try out. You are probably overwhelmed by the many small details that need to be done correctly when your newborn has arrived in the world, so here is a joyful piece of news! There are no positions that are more correct than others – you can therefore do it just as you feel like, and you can safely experiment a bit. This also gives the baby the opportunity to 'empty' different areas of the breast, so it is ultimately really positive if you use various positions.
Overall, it can be said for all positions that it is important that you either sit or lie comfortably when you are going to breastfeed. This means, for example, that you should have good support for your arms. You can do this with whatever you have at hand, such as a pillow or a blanket. Most things can work!
The three most common breastfeeding positions
1. Laid back breastfeeding
Here you should lie back with good support. This should result in you becoming relaxed in areas of the body such as the neck and shoulders. You can then have your baby lying on you, tummy to tummy. It is entirely up to you whether you prefer to have the baby lying lengthwise, crosswise, or diagonally – do what feels best. When you have the baby lying on your tummy, he or she will be very close to you, and gravity ensures that the pull in the breast remains minimal when you are breastfeeding. According to the Health Authority , many women experience improvements in this position if the baby has had difficulty sucking, or if the woman herself has had some pain in a more upright breastfeeding position.
2. Sitting breastfeeding positions
If you prefer to sit up when you breastfeed, there are also several options for that. You can either have the baby in the classic sitting position, where the baby lies crosswise over your abdomen with the head resting on your forearm. This position is easy in practice, and you can basically use it anywhere. You can also experiment with the twin position (which is of course also ideal for you with twins!). Here the baby/babies should lie with their legs backward and lie under your arm, where the support for the baby's head will be your hand. Hint hint! This position is really good if you have gone through a cesarean section.
3. Lying breastfeeding positions
If you need to really relax, it might be time for a lying breastfeeding position. It can work well at night, as over time it can signal to the baby that there is a difference between night and day – but do use it if you feel like it at other times of the day as well. In practice, you should lie on your side with your head on a pillow. You might also have a pillow behind your back if you need a little support. Your lower arm should be bent and lie parallel to your head, where your baby can then rest their head on your lower arm.
You might find that it’s not the breastfeeding positions that create the big problems for you. It could also be that it’s the mind or eating habits that are a bit troublesome.
Also read: 7 tips for a good breastfeeding time
Products that help you on your way
Once you have control over the various breastfeeding positions that work for you, the process becomes a breeze. You can always get a little extra comfort that can make it easier by having some good products. For example, you can get some nursing bras that provide you with really good support. You can find such a one at Mammashop.
When you think of nursing bras, you probably don’t associate them with the most feminine set of underwear. Are you one of those women who likes a bra with a little detail? Then there is help to be found with the products from Cache Coeur. The French lingerie company makes the loveliest nursing bras in the finest prints. Additionally, the Swedish Abecita also makes some really nice nursing bras that both provide good support and are lovely to look at. From the Danish Carriwell the comfort and functionality are always top-notch. They are truly comfortable bras that also provide optimal support.
Also read: Guide: How to choose the right nursing bra!
/ Team Mammashop