You have now reached the 2nd week of the 2nd trimester, and it may start to feel more comfortable to be pregnant, and hopefully, you have escaped the worst pregnancy symptoms that can affect the first many weeks. The next discomfort of pregnancy may become the growing belly, which may start to require additions to your wardrobe.
What is the baby doing?
It may sound quite cute, but in fact, the little fetus inside your uterus is already starting to practice several human movements and actions at this current stage. The gradually almost correctly proportioned arms enable the baby to take its fingers into its mouth, and it can now suck on its thumb. This helps the little human to practice the later necessary sucking reflex.
Furthermore, the little human in your uterus is currently also practicing swallowing and urinating. The fetus swallows small sips of amniotic fluid, which is then processed through the baby's system and subsequently urinated out as part of the amniotic fluid again. However, it is completely clean and therefore unproblematic for the baby to swallow and urinate in the amniotic fluid. At this stage of the pregnancy, the baby is surrounded by about 50 ml of amniotic fluid, which closer to birth will be up to 2 liters.
Your pregnant body in week 14
You have now completed about 32.5 percent of the pregnancy. It is therefore approaching the time when you have been pregnant for a third of your pregnancy. The first third can be associated with pregnancy discomforts and worries for many pregnant women, all of which are related to the development and change that a pregnancy entails.
Around week 14, it is the development and changes that you and your body begin to get used to, which may reduce fatigue. Mood swings and nausea can still occur, as they are often caused by the increased hormone levels in your pregnant body. It is also around this week of pregnancy that it begins to become noticeable on your body that you are pregnant, which may create a necessity to expand your wardrobe if your normal pants start to feel tight.
When will you feel the baby?
You are certainly also excited to soon be able to feel the baby. But you should be patient, as for most, it is only around week 20 that they can clearly feel movements from the fetus. However, there are some who may already now start to feel small signs of life, often described as a feeling of small bubbles in the stomach.
You should not be worried if you cannot feel anything yet; it is quite normal. However, there is likely a lot of movement going on due to the training the fetus is undergoing, but since the fetus is not very large yet and the amniotic fluid may have a damping effect, it may therefore not be felt by most yet.
Midwife conversation
Around this week of pregnancy, you should have your first conversation with a midwife. This conversation is typically scheduled for most around weeks 13-15. The focus of the first conversation will be on the process, your habits, and preparations. Depending on individual needs and whether you are a first-time or multiple-time parent, you will need to meet with a midwife between 4 and 7 times.
Size of the fetus
The little life in your belly is now around 8-10 cm and weighs about 65 grams. The constant and rapid growth is in full swing, and the fetus is now the size of a lemon.
Advice for Partners
Midwife consultations, pregnancy gear, and other preparations. There are many things to consider, and it can be difficult as a partner. Therefore, it can be beneficial for you and your pregnant partner to talk about your feelings, thoughts, and wishes, so you can feel like an important part of the whole process.
Additionally, it can be a great help and support for your partner that you participate in various consultations and pregnancy and birth preparation activities and purchases. This can give you important insight into what your partner is going through and how you can best feel involved and support your partner.