You are now almost halfway! In fact, you have completed 45% of the pregnancy, and there are 154 days until your due date. You may start to feel movement now, but also that you are beginning to experience pregnancy discomforts again.
Baby bump and pregnancy discomforts
The uterus has now grown to such a size that it reaches up to the navel, and it will likely show as a nice bump on your belly. It may be particularly noticeable in the evening, as there is increased bloating in the intestines at that time.
The intestines are also affected by hormones, and their movements are a bit slower than normal. This can result in constipation, which is one of the pregnancy discomforts that many experience around this week.
Other discomforts can include heartburn, dizziness, or other issues that arise as a result of the strain of being pregnant. These discomforts include pain in the lower abdomen, cramps in the legs, swollen ankles and feet, as well as pain in the lumbar region or back.
Your baby senses
It may be difficult to understand how much has already happened for the fetus and its development at this stage of pregnancy. But many processes and senses are already in action. The baby drinks about 400 ml of amniotic fluid every day, which is converted to urine by its almost fully developed kidneys, and this urine then becomes part of the amniotic fluid.
In the fetus's brain, there is also rapid development in refining nerves and connections, enabling the baby to move intentionally and not just randomly. In fact, the brain is so developed that the baby can already sense and experience things.
This means that your child has already had sensory experiences related to movement, touch, sight, sound, and taste by the time of birth. It emphasizes how impressive the development is in the small fetus and how many processes are involved in preparing your baby for a life outside the womb.
Size of the fetus
The development and many sensory experiences are taking place in a small human being that weighs about 240 grams and measures approximately 15 cm from head to bottom. This is roughly the size of a mango. It is both the size of the fetus, but especially the placenta and uterus, as they create the fullness that makes it already clear that you are pregnant.
Advice for partners
In this and the many weeks of pregnancy to come, your partner will be increasingly affected by pregnancy discomforts associated with the weight and strain that pregnancy brings. So if you want to make it a little more comfortable for your pregnant partner, you can offer massages or suggest buying an extra pillow to relieve her body and give her a better night's sleep.
It will not get easier from now on, and it can be a great help for her if you do what you can to assist and relieve her as much as you can.