The baby is diligently training to be ready for the big world outside of mom's safe womb. Have the parents perhaps started to consider the things that will happen after the pregnancy?
What is happening in the womb?
The baby's brain is still growing significantly, and it is pressing against the skull. All the senses are being stimulated, and the fetus is practicing opening and closing its eyes. There still isn't much to see in there, but all impressions contribute to development.
Even though the fetus still sleeps most of the time, the brain is active. Research shows significant brain activity in sleeping fetuses in the womb.
The baby is particularly practicing one specific reflex at this time - namely the sucking reflex. This will help the child get nourishment in its early days in the real world. The baby practices by sucking on its fingers, and when it does so, the sucking reflex, tongue, and sucking muscles are all being trained.
Considerations about life on the other side
Now you are at a point where you can start to consider some of the things that will change significantly when the little person comes out.
This can include maternity leave for both mom and dad. You have the right to a certain amount of maternity leave, but there is generally a lot of flexibility. Look into your options at your job, studies, or other situations.
There is also a lot of economics involved, but you can read more about all this on sites like, or you can consult with your boss, studies, or similar.
This is one of the biggest upheavals you will experience, so many prefer to have a bit of maternity leave. However, it is by no means a requirement, but it is a good idea to agree on it at home.
Size of the fetus
The baby is now around 2 whole kilograms. At the same time, the length has reached about 42 centimeters.
Advice for the partner
Your role is still important. Especially when it comes to thoughts about life after birth. Will you take maternity leave? Should you restructure some things so that life fits better with a baby? How will you feel most comfortable?
It is highly likely that you cannot answer everything in advance, but it is good to consider things during this long wait.
Show your partner that you are thinking at least as much about everything as she is. Then you can together talk about your new life, and at the same time look forward to it.