So the famous due date has finally arrived. Long awaited for many, but also a date that can create a lot of worry and disappointment. On the positive side, the birth is just around the corner, and it won't be long before the little one is with you.
The world's longest wait
You have been pregnant for 9 months now, and despite that, these last weeks can seem like the clearly longest. The joy of anticipation is great, and at the same time, it is also a physical burden for the pregnant woman in many ways.
The due date is something that many pregnant women have as a goal. However, one must not be disappointed when there are no contractions when waking up on the due date. Only 5-10% give birth on the actual due date, so it is quite normal to give birth 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the due date.
Check when you should contact the delivery ward, midwife, or similar. There can be various reasons, and they are there for your sake, so feel free to call if you feel discomfort, are anxious, or there is reduced fetal activity. If you are in doubt about the actual progress of the birth, it is also these professionals you should consult.
Everyone wishes for it to be a good experience for you, and therefore they also want to listen to and accommodate your wishes. However, it can be helpful if you as parents try to be open to the thousands of outcomes that a birth can end with. No two births are the same, and it is rarely like in the movies.
Some are induced, some have cesarean sections, some take a few hours, and others take several days. The paths are many, but what is common is that you end up with one more family member. This is the ultimate goal, and maybe it can help to visualize it?
What happens in the belly?
Not much is happening in the belly that hasn't already happened until now. The baby is completely ready to come out into the real world.
Even though the fetus is developed and fully ready to come out and become your newborn, it does not mean that the journey starts exactly on the due date. There can be a number of things that mean it takes a little longer.
The fingernails are still growing, and that is about the only thing that develops further in this final time. The last fetal fat that has been around the fetus is also starting to disappear, and the longer you go past the due date, the less fetal fat there will be around your baby.
Size of the fetus
The average birth weight is around 3600 grams, and that is the weight the baby has now.
The length is about 51 centimeters, which is also the average length at birth.
The measurements are only indicative, and there is a larger range in which healthy and completely normal babies fall. The midwife makes an estimate of the weight from outside the belly, but this can also deviate from the final weight. It can have something to do with how the baby is positioned in the belly, thus 'hiding' something from the midwife.
Advice for the partner
The birth is more of a team effort than one might believe. You are your partner's strongest support, and she needs you to create calm. Both during the actual birth, but also in the time leading up to it, where all emotions are really out in the open.
Not all emotions are equally rational, but it is also a huge thing that the pregnant woman is facing to perform. Try to accommodate it as well as you can, and support her.
Remember to listen to yourself as well, so you don't feel unwell during labor, for example. Get something to eat, and take a deep breath if it becomes overwhelming. You are also the spokesperson for the pregnant person if there are any wishes or reservations that need to be taken into account. Usually, the person in labor does not have the energy to communicate this when labor is in progress.