Are you or your partner pregnant and experiencing more or less intense mood swings? It is one of the things that everyone knows happens during a pregnancy, but it can still be uncomfortable. The mood swings can be attributed to the many hormones that are at work in the pregnant body. Pregnancy is also a time of many upheavals, and even without the hormones, it can feel stressful and anxiety-provoking to become a parent. However, it is also a time that is associated with many positive and hopeful feelings. It is impossible to know what the future looks like, and this uncertainty can manifest as an emotional rollercoaster.
There is of course a lot to think about when you are becoming a mother for the first time. Mentally, you need to adjust to a new role where you are no longer a daughter or partner, but a mother. This role is significantly different from anything you may have experienced before. This mental adjustment is wild and demanding, and you can read more about it here.
Although hormones are necessary and unavoidable, there are certain things you or your partner can do to reduce mood swings. Blood sugar and rest both play a role in triggering mood swings or keeping them down. Therefore, as a pregnant person, it is a good idea to ensure that you eat and sleep as much as you feel like. Even if it is much more than you usually do. Your body is working overtime, and it is important to listen to what it tells you. Finally, it is a good idea to engage in some exercise, which can be meditative and have a good effect both mentally and physically.