One of the side effects of being pregnant that is rarely mentioned is that many experience chronic colds and a stuffy nose. The pregnancy hormones affect your mucous membranes, causing them to swell, which leads to the nose producing mucus, running, or becoming completely blocked, making it difficult for you to breathe.
It can be annoying and hard to have a stuffy nose if it is constantly there. Likewise, a constantly running nose can be bothersome. It can also mean that you will snore significantly more at night than usual, which can even be a nuisance for your partner.
Is it dangerous to have swollen mucous membranes?
Basically, it is not dangerous for you or the baby to have swollen mucous membranes, and it will not cause any lasting harm. There is a higher risk of sinusitis, but mostly it is a problem because it bothers you in everyday life and makes life as a pregnant woman less pleasant.
What you can do
There are several typical tricks that can be used against a stuffed nose. You might try:
- Dripping saline solution into your nose. Nasal sprays with medication can be unhealthy for pregnant women, so it is best to stick to plain saline solution.
- Taking warm baths and preferably a steam bath if you have the opportunity. Use drops of peppermint or similar that go into the nose when you breathe in.
- Sleeping with your head elevated on several pillows throughout the night. This also makes your sleep easier. You might benefit from investing in a pregnancy pillow.