
Sådan igangsættes fødslen

This is how labor begins

If you go past your due date Your due date has been set earlier in...
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Hvordan kan du selv sørge for at få gode veer?

How can you ensure to have good contractions yourself?

As you approach your due date and start hoping for contractions, or when labor begins,...
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Barn i underkropsstilling (UK)

Child in lower body position (UK)

When a baby is in breech position, it means that the baby is lying with...
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Hvem skal med til fødslen?

Who will be present at the birth?

There are many women who choose to have a companion with them during childbirth, as...
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Hvordan ved man, at fødslen er gået i gang?

How do you know that labor has started?

It can feel very nerve-wracking and anxiety-provoking when you are about to give birth -...
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Lav en ønskeliste til fødslen

Make a wish list for the birthday

When you hear the word wish list, you might think that the biggest wish for...
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Sådan undgår gravide at få forstoppelse

How pregnant women can avoid constipation

As a pregnant woman, many things happen in your body that are harder to control....
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Hvad er fosterstilling?

What is the fetal position?

When you are pregnant, you often hear the term "fetal position." When professionals talk about...
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Værd at vide om ligamentsmerter i løbet af graviditeten

Worth knowing about ligament pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, several women experience strange sensations throughout their bodies. Many of these can be...
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Udsving i humøret hos gravide

Mood swings in pregnant women

Are you or your partner pregnant and experiencing more or less intense mood swings? It...
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10 almindelige bekymringer som gravid

10 common concerns during pregnancy

There are many new feelings in the body and many new things to consider when...
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Øget tissetrang som gravid

Increased breast size during pregnancy

Most pregnant women have probably experienced needing to urinate much more often than before they...
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